- Katholisches Klinikum Bochum
- Education and teaching
As Head and Director of the Orthopedic University Hospital at Bochum Catholic Hospital (Katholisches Klinikum Bochum) and Professor of Orthopedics at the Ruhr University of Bochum, one of my key interests and activities is providing education and training in orthopedics and trauma surgery in general and specifically the spine, back, and pain. This includes teaching of lay persons, patients and their families, as well as educating physicians, students, physician assistants, nurses, physiotherapists, therapists, and other professionals who deal with orthopedics and trauma surgery in general and specifically the spine, back, and pain.
University teaching and education
Teaching and training medical students in the field of orthopedics and trauma surgery is one of my key activities at the Ruhr University of Bochum. Together with my team, I organize and carry out orthopedic education for students at the Medical School of the Ruhr University of Bochum.
Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie TO GO (OU TO GO)

I developed “Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery TO GO,” in German: Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie TO GO (OU TO GO) in order to offer regular, optimized professional teaching and education in the field of orthopedics and trauma surgery on a nonprofit basis. OU TO GO is aimed at physicians and therapists who are looking for top-level training and continuing education in the field of orthopedics and trauma surgery — not requiring too much time, and free of charge.
I organize a 2-year curriculum, and every Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and additionally from 8:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. a well-known top specialist gives an online live talk about a key topic in the field of orthopedics and trauma surgery. OU TO GO is completely independent of any companies, societies, hospitals, or other stakeholders. It is free of charge and nonprofit. The speakers do not receive any financial compensation, and the participants do not need to pay anything. Running costs for IT services and the home page are financed 100% through donations from participants. OU TO GO reaches well over 2000 live participants every Wednesday.
For more information and free registration, you are welcome to visit the home page: www.outogo.de

As my own personal specialty is treatment of the spine, back, and pain I also developed SPINE TO GO. SPINE TO GO is aimed at physicians and therapists who are looking for further training and continuing education in the field of the spine — not requiring too much time, and free of charge.
Four times a year, we offer special events on Saturdays featuring six to eight international top specialists giving presentations about special topics in the field of the spine. In this way, at every meeting we can reach many hundreds of physicians from all over the world who follow these top specialists and receive training and education without the need to travel around the world.
The special characteristics of the service: Live lectures on a topic in spinal therapy, with subsequent discussion by recognized international specialists — no charges — nonprofit project — independence of content (with no influence from the medical industry or other stakeholders) — easy registration and enrolment — CME points — easy access from any computer/smartphone/tablet with Internet access — no recording of the lectures — financing of running costs through donations.
More information and easy and free registration for the service are available here: www.spinetogo.org
Rückenvisite Ruhr (live online teaching on spine and back problems)
Live online information available free of charge for patients and families, as well as lay persons in general (in German).
I developed this live online educational format in order to provide regular education and information for patients and their families (every 2–3 months on Fridays, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.).
The aim is to offer basic information about the spine, the back, and pain.
Information, program and free registration: www.rueckenvisite.ruhr
MWE Ärzteseminar für Manuelle Medizin – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin
As a chiropractor myself, I know how valuable manual therapy, manual diagnosis, and chirotherapy are in the field of the spine, back, and pain. So I’m delighted that we have succeeded in bringing to Bochum the chiropractor courses from the well-known MWE Ärzteseminar für Manuelle Medizin – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin. You are welcome to register for the courses in Bochum on the MWE home page.
Bochum Spine Injection Courses (BoWis courses)
Spinal injection therapy is one of the key options in treating patients suffering from spinal pain. Together with Dr. Theodoros Theodoridis, I therefore developed the Bochum Spine Injection Courses (BoWis courses) under the patronage of the Westphalia–Lippe Medical Board of Registration (Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe). Twice a year, we offer live hands-on spinal injections courses in the Institute of Anatomy at the Ruhr University of Bochum. Together with outstanding experts, we teach basic and specialized aspects in the field of spinal injection therapy using freehand techniques as well as fluoroscopically guided techniques, on artificial models and simulators and also in human cadavers. The aim is to give participants practical experience in how to carry out spinal injections clinically.
You are welcome to register for these courses on the website of the Westphalia–Lippe Medical Board of Registration (Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe).
Scientific research
Scientific research is the basis for all decision-making and all the techniques used in our field of medicine. The aim of the research work we carry out in my team is to improve understanding and treatment of the spine, back and pain.
List of publications
This list of my publications is continuously updated.